Prayer Fest 21

The Year of ‘FINALLY’ 

Finally, brethren; … if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things (Philippians 4:8). 

The Vision: To host a special edition of The National Prayer Call on New Year’s Day 2021. 

The Mission: We will provide a day of seamless ministry, messaging and miracles by Intercessors and Proclaimers from across America.

The Strategy: All Proclaimers will preach LIVE on the NPC @ (760) 548-9450. Some Proclaimers will simulcast via Facebook Live. Check Prayer Everywhere FB page..

The Implementation: Friday, January 1st, 2021 @   9am (PST) / 11am  (CST) / 12 Noon (EST) The Win: To introduce a record number of people to The NPC and start the new year in the positive.