Pentecost Appreciation

Kingdom Greetings!

Dear Family,

Happy Pentecost Success!

It is a high honor to be connected and partnered with people of uncommon quality, sincerity and integrity towards ministry and the glory of God. Your worth is beyond words! My expressions of gratitude, appreciation and thanksgiving fall short of the sentiment I hold in my heart for you and all you are in our life and ministry.  If I didn’t have the chance, yet, to thank you personally, please know I am so very grateful for your help!

Thank you for serving, supporting and sacrificing for the success of the “50 Days of Power” Spiritual Campaign. Only the Lord knows the power of what you have contributed in giving, reading, organizing, leading, praying, fasting, sowing, calling, moderating, exhorting, praising, worshipping, planning, working, purchasing, encouraging, and creating. Thank you Dream Team! Thank you Servant Leaders! You are a highly committed core. Your willingness, diligence and kindness in expanding the vision is priceless.

It took so many of you working together as the Body of Christ to make it happen and to make a difference. The “10 Days of Prayer” was a success because we had support. The more the mightier! New Hope and Prayer Everywhere are partners in prayer and purpose. God is getting the glory!

My great thanks especially goes to my family and the New Hope Baptist Church. The Lord has graciously allowed me to serve a people who are hungry for more of God’s Word and Spirit. We are experiencing an incredible prayer and Word revival at New Hope. We have an anointed intercessory prayer ministry that sets the atmosphere before every worship. It’s a new day!  I stand in awe of the work of God that happens as we love one another and pray together.

The ministries that lead in preparing us for Pentecost Sunday at The Hope are due our honor. Our special recognition goes to The BrotherHood of New Hope. The men were exceptional in their service and leadership. The women helped by adding spiritual and natural details to the day that made such a difference. The Prayer Request Box and the Holy Oil were details brought by praying women. The children youth and young adults were so key to what God was doing in the sanctuary on Pentecost Sunday.  The praise and worship ministry was anointed and dynamic. Every ministry was operating at optimum! You are appreciated!

Thank you Sister Joyce Jernigan and all the Servant Leaders for your cooperation in assembling, administrating and attending the HELPS Ministry Expo. Each year let us build on our success. This year we were bigger, better, greater. Yes!

We cannot forget Sister Ruby Kidd and the 2013 Events Planning Ministry who launched the first Pentecost Sunday celebration in the history of New Hope. The Lord spoke to me. I wrote the vision and they ran with it. Your groundwork gave us the opportunity this year to expand the vision and add to the ministry. Thank you pathfinders!

Thank you Sister Debra Lee! Our prayers are with you. Thank you 2014 Events Planning Ministry Team! Teamwork worked! We have set another standard. You lead us in excellence and for this we are grateful. May the Lord reward!

Peace and Love,

Bishop Sean Teal

Oakland, CA